Printed Microelectronics Group

 Dr. Eloi Ramon

We print electronic devices and systems for radiofrequency and biomedical applications. We manufacture from Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs) to passive, RF or hybrid circuits by using innovative additive manufacturing techniques such as Inkjet Printing.
The group long-term mission is to make low-cost, flexible and biodegradable electronic circuits and make them available to the scientific community and companies in order to enable novel applications.


A multidisciplinary team to work in a wide topic: Organic Electronics.

PhD in Microelectronics

Inkjet printed electronic devices and systems, electrical characterization, layout post-processing for inkjet and TDK integration.

PhD in Microelectronics

Development of sensors based on organic inkjet-printed electronic devices
such as field-effect transistors for protein detection and MIS 
diode for gas detection.

BsC in Electronic Engineering

In charge of the Print-eLab, open at cost for self-services on selected equipment or for services on demand over complex equipment.

BsC in Telecomunications Engineering

Modelling, characterization, simulation and design of Organic Electronic devices.

Master in Materials Science

Currently owrking on the development of sustainable OLAE devices and processes.

Our Contacts


Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona IMB-CNM
Office E1-11
Carrer Til·lers s/n, Campus UAB
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Catalunya


+34 93 594 7700 extension 2454


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